Perempuan Indonesia, khususnya yang berada di Pulau Jawa, sangatlah cantik. Biasanya mereka cenderung amat feminin, berkulit indah, tidak terlalu tinggi, dan memiliki senyuman yang mempesona. Banyak keuntungan dari segi tersebut.
Bila kita mesti jujur, kebanyakan lelaki menginginkan wanita yang mau mengurusnya, mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah tangga tanpa mengeluh, dan melakukan kegiatan-kegiatan lain dengan sukarela. Umumnya perempuan Indonesia dapat memenuhi semua kategori ini, tentunya lebih dari rata-rata perempuan Barat - lebih sedikit yang diucapkan tentang mereka lebih baik.
Walau begitu, mengencani wanita Indonesia bisa mempunyai kerugian-kerugian yang pelik. Berikut saran untuk mengatasinya.
Ada perempuan di Indonesia yang hanya tertarik dengan uang. Dan banyak juga lelaki yang tidak peduli akan hal ini. Banyak pula dari perempuan lokal (setelah kita mengenal mereka lebih baik) mampu bersikap tidak waras, histeris secara emosional, culas, cemburuan, dan berusaha melukai diri sendiri (biasanya pura-pura) untuk memperoleh kemauannya. Seperti yang sudah saya bilang, mereka bukan untuk yang lemah.
dari artikel diatas,gw punya artikel yang lebih HOOTT lagi tentunya,yaitu . . . .
Tadinya gw hanya ingin bercerita tentang seorang teman kampus, yang pengen banget punya calon suami indo alias campuran bule-bule gitu deh... Lalu, tadinya juga gw ingin bercerita tentang orang-orang yang lebih cenderung senang mendengar orang bule manggung nyanyi, ketimbang orang kita sendiri, karena katanya kalo bule nyanyi lebih bagus. Hmmm… heran… kalo bule nyanyi lagu bule manggungnya bagus, itu udah biasa bukan? wong bahasa keseharian mereka ya keseringannya pakai bahasa Inggris? Tapi malah yang jadi kepikiran adalah, kenapa banyak bule-bule nikah dengan wanita Indonesia berwajah pembokat? Walau gak semuanya begitu…
Sorry, walau terkesan gw rese, sok ngurusin hal-hal kayak begini, tapi gw baru teringat pengakuan beberapa teman gw. Bule-bule yang mencintai orang Asia dan salah satu diantara mereka menikahi orang Indonesia yang boleh dibilang enggak cakep. Yaaaaaah… kayak pembokat.
Kesimpulan pertama yang teringat oleh gw mengenai topik ini adalah,sewaktu gw masih keranjingan chating di chatroom dan sering ngobrol dengan seorang kelahiran England tapi ada campuran Perancis dari neneknya.
Personally, i don’t believe that there’s someone would want to marry other than with their own kind, unless they have an un-explainable connections, really have a great bonding in a sense that love needs not a rational explanations. Other than that, the man might only enjoying the sex part and the woman aiming for the wealth. ~Francois.
Kemudian gw lumayan sering mengobrol dengan seorang bule berkenegaraan USA yang mengaku dia punya 2 saudari tiri yang berasal dari Philippine.After years hating my step sister, i’ve realized that Asians are a loving and caring individuals, well of course many Asian woman are adjusting their selves to be all edgy and bitchy if they want to survive socializing as an American. But, i have a feeling that many American Men marrying Asian women not because they’re kinky in bed, well, maybe that one of the reasons but, i think it’s because they served their husband’s needs very well, unlike most women here. But of course we do have a very disparity of traditions and reminiscent between us American and Asian. ~Jessica.
Berikut adalah obrolan terakhir sesaat dia masih tidak percaya bahwa perempuan yang ia nikahi selama 6 tahun minta diceraikan. gw copas aja ya
B : “oooh, i know that type of question…”
me : “what?”
B : “your question, what do i see in her? type of question. It’s like i’m having a flashback now…”
me : “yeah? what’s wrong with that question?”
B : “well, i got those weird looks when i introduce her to my friends for the very first time… “
me : “mmm… i don’t understand what’s ur saying B”
B : “come on Etha, jujur sama aku ya, you’re one of the honest person i’ve known, ur question, is referring to a ‘why i married with that kind of woman’ right? what do i see from a woman like her, right? you’re not the first person asking me why i chose her to be my wife actually…”
me : “well, if i have offended u with the question, then don’t answer it, and i apologize for that, but i really don’t understand why ur friends giving u that look… is it because she’s not pretty?” (sorry)
B : “your people often called her pembokat, and i know what that means”
me : “wow… hmmm… well…”
B : “see…”
me : “You want me to be honest with you?, jujur? no heart feelings?”
B : “yes, jujur ya, no heart feelings”
me : “when i ask you this, i may represent all the woman in my country that has been wondering about foreigners marrying Indonesian women that are look like a 3rd class women, or lower than that, now am not saying pembokat here… and i know there are none of them who have guts to ask this, but for me… i’d prefer having a chat fight or hated by you, rather than talking behind your back or like most other women do, spits behind others back and in this case just like your friends talks about you behind your back…
me : “What you need to know though, i don’t mind seeing one of the foreigners marrying either with ugly women or even with pembokat. Because that’s is not my business at all, that’s is not my nature sticking my nose at someone else’s business more over to some kind of a conversation that are very discomforts me, such as you and your wife…”
B : “ex now”
me : “Aside of me guessing your ex-wife must be very well taking care of you and therefore you love her so much and that’s why you wed her… but, i was wondering, with a handsome man like you, coming all the way from Germany to here, and married with a jobless woman, wrecked family which you know nothing of when you married her (don’t deny this, you’ve told me some of the problems in the past) which got me thinking, aren’t you deserve better than her… so YES, we all wondering… what do you see in her?”
B : “WOW… that is helluva long sentence you type there, and you type fast!”
me : “am a student financial since remembah?”
B : “ya, my office needs a secretary if you want the position”
me : “if you’re going to be my boss, no thanks”
B : “ok back to the question, and thanks for the honesty
well, i must admit i have lots of pretty girlfriend back in Liepzig, or back when i’m at college in US, i even almost married with one of them. But, the chasing is killing me. European women is mean, American, French, heck Australian too, haha. But, it’s different with her, or other Indonesian women before her..”
me : “wow, wait, how many Indo women you date? or slept?” lol…
B : “haha.. don’t get me wrong Etha, your culture is different with me ya?”
me : “i know.. i know… don’t worry… “
B : “Some of my buddy thinks she’s good in bed… but hell no!, Indonesian women needs some education”
me : “hahahahahahahaha… seriously… how many?”
B :
me : “are they Christian or Muslim? or…?”
B : “I don’t know, all are muslims i think, they all celebrate Mubarak”
me : “i see.. but they aren’t whore right?”
B : “F*ck no!
i don’t know, hahahaha…”
me : “okie, will talk about this later
B : “anyway, with her, i feel appreciated, basically Indo women is very sweet-tempered and nice”
me : “wait until you meet the evil one”
B : ”
anyway again, i received passion and love affections that i’ve never felt and couldn’t understand until i met her”
me : “are you sure it’s not because of the low-maintenance thing? you know… high versus low maintenance wife?”
B : “well, i don’t know if we move back to Liepzig, i will never know because she’s not with me anymore.. but, i’d admit one or two times, even more i’ve thought about the high versus low, i think women in here aren’t too demanding..”
me : “would you aiming a 1st class women with their demands and all?
B : “well, if i’m rich, why not? it’s kind of well connected, isn’t it? rich men usually gets high class women?”
me : “not always
wait… so you’re agree with me that your ex-wife is a 3rd class woman and accept her as what she is, because you think you are not a rich man, therefore you don’t deserve a better woman than her?”
B : “oh no, no, i don’t see it that way, that is just a coincidence i got a women that aren’t too perfect perhaps in your eyes”
me : “so, what you’re trying to say is, you got a whole new perspective of love and affections that you never had in your entire life until you met her? you accept her as what she is and IF you got a beautiful women with that criteria, beauty is just a bonus?
B : “hmmmm… you could say that, yes”
me : “soooo, back to… Inner beauty that’s the most important thing for you?”
B : “yes”
me : “but that is like a second options to a man who aren’t rich, don’t you think??”
B : “hahahahaha… whatever Etha”
me : “i mean, most men would have choose the prettiest, who has a killer bods, despite of the high maintenance, right? cuz if you have money, as long as you fulfill their needs, there won’t be any problems right? but since you’re not as rich as you expected, than you might have just lowered the criteria, to… inner beauty?
B : “oh gosh!…
Iya, begitulah ceritanya
terserah gimana anda menafsirkannya…
Lumayan buat menambah wawasan para perempuan, jadi kalau lihat ada bule jalan sama cewe yang wajahnya kayak pembokat, jangan suka bingung atau ngomong, “ih kok mau sih sama cewe kek gitu” atau “pasti bule kere tuh, kalo bule tajir kayaknya gak mungkin deh…”
Gw cuma bisa bilang, love is blind, semua itu tidak ada yang pasti, tidak bisa dirumuskan, tapi at least, pengakuan dari teman gw yang satu ini, lumayanlah bisa memberi pengertian sebab musabab dia menikahi wanita Indonesia yang secara jamak, teman-temannya pun heran kok dia mau nikah sama wanita tersebut…
Cinta sejati?
Who knows… they got divorced.
Siapa yang salah?
Only God knows…
oh iya satu lagi, biasa… kata-kata mutiara… “don’t judge a book by its cover”
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