Pada suatu malam hari,gw ga bisa tidur karena penyakit insomnia gw kambuh ketika sedang liburan. Untuk mengisi waktu disaat tak bisa tiduuurrr. Gw iseng-iseng buka website chatroom yang dulu pernah dikasih tau sama temen kampus gw. Dan gw bertemu dengan seorang bule yang baik dan sangat bersahabat. Kita ngobrol tentang perkenalan dan dia minta email gw. Ketika gw membuka yahoo massanger,dia add email gw. Setelah gw confirm,dia langsung menegur gw dengan say : "hai". Dan setelah itu kami pun talking-talking sampai pada akhirnya dia bertanya sama gw tentang kerudung gw.
alex nebunu: can I ask?
ethasyah: yes
alex nebunu: why you must wearing hijab?
ethasyah: because is my princip
ethasyah: in my religion is must for a muslim woman
alex nebunu: hhmmm
ethasyah: and in my religion no sex before merried
alex nebunu: musulmin is hard religion
alex nebunu: im very confused
alex nebunu: but nevermind
alex nebunu: im think
alex nebunu: your principi is
alex nebunu: nobody tauch you before weding
alex nebunu: nobody see you naked before weding
alex nebunu: but all this in real life
ethasyah: yea
ethasyah: I think you know my princip
ethasyah: that right
ethasyah: the point is not sex before merried
alex nebunu: yes
alex nebunu: real sex
alex nebunu: real
alex nebunu: real life
alex nebunu: but sad coz im not in real
ethasyah: you sad?
alex nebunu: tell me
ethasyah: ok
alex nebunu: if you make bath and somebody look on your
window ....what happend?
ethasyah: is bad
ethasyah: and is like harassment
ethasyah: and boy look me at window,he is give sanctions
ethasyah: he will give sanction and its mistake to god
alex nebunu: and what happend whit you?
alex nebunu: you giveup on princip ?
alex nebunu: you will die?
ethasyah: hahahaa... I'm not die
ethasyah: maybe I'm shock
ethasyah: and it all back to ourselves, how we continue to
have faith when we get into trouble
alex nebunu: ok
alex nebunu: tell me
ethasyah: ok
alex nebunu: if you have one acident and the doctor most
naked you ...what happend?
alex nebunu: and doctor be boy
ethasyah: you know
ethasyah: there are verses that explain this in my book
ethasyah: I know you mean...
ethasyah: but you ask what happen to me?
ethasyah: maybe I still in my princip
alex nebunu: ok
alex nebunu: tell me
ethasyah: ok
alex nebunu: if im see you naked here ...what happend?
alex nebunu: if im will see you
ethasyah: why you see me naked?
alex nebunu: not said why
alex nebunu: just said im see you
alex nebunu: what happend?
alex nebunu: with your princip?
ethasyah: alex
alex nebunu: yes
ethasyah: everything must intentionally or no....
ethasyah: if you intenionally see me naked... I have troble
with my princip
ethasyah: but if you unintentionally... maybe not problem
with my princip
ethasyah: and,...
ethasyah: there are verses that explain this in my book
ethasyah: its so many...
ethasyah: I know you want know..
alex nebunu: i just whant understand dear
alex nebunu: but im think im understand your princip morre
good that you
ethasyah: I know you just understand... but all your
question is in my book and I cant tell you detail
alex nebunu: i understand
ethasyah: because I'm not "ustazah" like pastor in
your religion
alex nebunu: ok
alex nebunu: you know what?
alex nebunu: im not believed in god
HHHAAAAHHH???? (ekspresi kaget) waduh nih bule agak-agak sesuatu neeehhhhhh...!!!
ethasyah: why?
alex nebunu: coz reality is other
alex nebunu: im believed in stintific
alex nebunu: im believed in tehnology
alex nebunu: and many
ethasyah: I know you mean
ethasyah: hhhmmm
alex nebunu: alien exist
ethasyah: and tell me
ethasyah: you not believe your god?
alex nebunu: no
ethasyah: in my religion... is very big mistake
alex nebunu: tell me
alex nebunu: why exist ghoust
ethasyah: ok.. I'm explain to you
ethasyah: can you tell me how this all galaxy?
ethasyah: how happen?
ethasyah: and who make all that?
ethasyah: and you know after life... there real life...
alex nebunu: yes
alex nebunu: univers is big
alex nebunu: and exist
alex nebunu: just exist
alex nebunu: we people dont know all planets
alex nebunu: we dont know how big is univers
alex nebunu: how many species of life exist
ethasyah: and you never know how this happen in your
alex nebunu: no
alex nebunu: we crestins here
ethasyah: in my religion... all.. anhything... everything is
alex nebunu: we have book name ''biblie''
alex nebunu: im not read
alex nebunu: who make univers in your religion?
ethasyah: alex
ethasyah: alex
ethasyah: its all in my book (Al-Qur'an)
ethasyah: and I can't tell you detail because its so hard to explain to you
ethasyah: and...
alex nebunu: ok
alex nebunu: god is just one
alex nebunu: corect !
ethasyah: yeaaaaa...........
ethasyah: god just 1
ethasyah: but you not believe!
alex nebunu: why you believed in god ....not in alahh....not
in budda
ethasyah: my god is Allah
alex nebunu: aaaaaaaaaaa
alex nebunu: ok
ethasyah: why I believe?
alex nebunu: no
alex nebunu: why not believed in budda
ethasyah: because I beleive everything in islam
alex nebunu: ok
ethasyah: and why I believe my god?
alex nebunu: my god name here is '' GOD''
ethasyah: ok whatever
alex nebunu: im not believed in in god ..not in alahh...not
in budda....
alex nebunu: but im not believed in demons
ethasyah: ok
alex nebunu: not in dracula
alex nebunu: not in evil
ethasyah: ok
alex nebunu: and im not believed in faith
ethasyah: alex,please stop type!
alex nebunu: ok
ethasyah: so.. you believe your "GOD"?
alex nebunu: no
alex nebunu: im not believed nothink!
alex nebunu: im not believed in books or story
HAADDEEHHH... udah gila apa nih bulee gilaaaa!!
ethasyah: ok
ethasyah: you ever hear expiration of the earth?
alex nebunu: im realy serios
ethasyah: of course I'm serios...!!
alex nebunu: can you explain me
alex nebunu: why exist dinosaurus before people
alex nebunu: why be ice age
ethasyah: in my religion explain.. we from "Allah"
and in expiration of the earth we back to "Allah"
ethasyah: and everything in all Galaxy is from
"Allah" and the end back to "Allah" again
ethasyah: how make adam and hawa?
ethasyah: you ever hear that?
alex nebunu: yea
alex nebunu: i know
ethasyah: yea...
ethasyah: actually adam and hawa from heaven
alex nebunu: i know that story
ethasyah: so.. we all from "Allah" and the end we
back to "Allah"
ethasyah: there is explain in my book (Al-qur'an)
alex nebunu: yea dear i know
ethasyah: and many explain about that
alex nebunu: dont understand me wrong
alex nebunu: i dont whant change your faith,,,your princip
alex nebunu: im just tell you one secret about me
ethasyah: I know
alex nebunu: you look on discovery channel?
ethasyah: yes
ethasyah: how happen in galaxy...
ethasyah: in disscovery channel
alex nebunu: yes
ethasyah: maybe you must wacth movie how poeple after life
alex nebunu: dinosaurus exist before beople
ethasyah: yea
alex nebunu: im not believed in heaved
ethasyah: ok...
ethasyah: sooo
ethasyah: you must wacth movie how poeple after life
ethasyah: and is true
alex nebunu: not movie dear
alex nebunu: movie is many
ethasyah: no movie like in TV or anything
alex nebunu: real story?
ethasyah: yes
ethasyah: yes
ethasyah: you ever think how happen in within the grave
alex nebunu: no
alex nebunu: tell me
ethasyah: ok
ethasyah: there are some people from uni soviet researching
the earth's core and camera to record how it turns out that inside the human in
the tomb
alex nebunu: yea
ethasyah: and this recording in multiply
ethasyah: maybe you must wacth that
alex nebunu: ok
ethasyah: you must sleep now (ekspresi muka capeeekkkk ngomong sama nih buleee)
alex nebunu: can ask you?
ethasyah: yes
alex nebunu: what you think ?......alien exist ?
ethasyah: I dont believe alien
alex nebunu: exist movie proof alen exist
alex nebunu: and many proof
ethasyah: if alien exist... so.. god exist too
alex nebunu: and how make eliens?
ethasyah: maybe there are in my book (Al-Qur'an)
ethasyah: you know tragedy in american?
alex nebunu: yes
ethasyah: skyscrapers that collapsed
ethasyah: there are in my book
ethasyah: and you know world war 2?
alex nebunu: 2
ethasyah: yes
alex nebunu: yes
ethasyah: world war 1 and 2...
ethasyah: there are in my book (Al-Qur'an)
ethasyah: my book exist before this tragedy
alex nebunu: yea
ethasyah: you know your prophet?
alex nebunu: you hear about maias book?
alex nebunu: maias trib
ethasyah: no
ethasyah: I know injil
alex nebunu: somethink like that
ethasyah: ok
alex nebunu: in that book many tragedy happend
ethasyah: in my book too
alex nebunu: and in that book is write on 12 12 2012 will be
ethasyah: is diferent with my religion
alex nebunu: yea
alex nebunu: all books is deferent
ethasyah: yea
alex nebunu: that im not believed
WWHHAAATTT?? (ekspresi kaget) ternyata dia ga percaya juga sama kitabnya sendiri dan dia ga percaya juga sama HARI KIAMAT,OH ASTAGA... kenapa ya gw bisa ketemu sama orang yang beginian,hadeehh... aya-aya wae ini teehhhh kenapa bisa begini (garuk-garuk kepala)
ethasyah: you not believe that?
alex nebunu: im not go on church
alex nebunu: and here many people believed
alex nebunu: but they believed coz they scared
ethasyah: alex.... (ekspresi bingung)
alex nebunu: yes
ethasyah: dont be poeple like that
ethasyah: is bad
alex nebunu: i know
alex nebunu: im dificulty guy
ethasyah: can I ask?
alex nebunu: yes
ethasyah: what the guidelines in your life?
alex nebunu: i make all myself
alex nebunu: i make my fait alone
alex nebunu: i make my life alone
ethasyah: ok
diam sejenak... dan gw berfikir gimanaaaa ya caranyaa gw ngejelasin ini semua sama nih bule,hadeehhh :(
diam sejenak... dan gw berfikir gimanaaaa ya caranyaa gw ngejelasin ini semua sama nih bule,hadeehhh :(
ethasyah: is very difficult
alex nebunu: i am dificulty guy sometime
ethasyah: why you always healty?
alex nebunu: healty?
alex nebunu: you mean good heart
alex nebunu: not sick
alex nebunu: im not dear
alex nebunu: im sick many times
ethasyah: so... you just poeple right?
ethasyah: just human right?
ethasyah: right?
alex nebunu: yes
alex nebunu: body is body
ethasyah: you can die
alex nebunu: exist many microbs
ethasyah: you can sick
alex nebunu: and many medicine
ethasyah: you have mind and heart
alex nebunu: yes
alex nebunu: and dogs have heart and many animals
ethasyah: yea...
ethasyah: and...
ethasyah: you think animals believe GOD?
alex nebunu: they not believed
ethasyah: so... you same with animals... you like animals
alex nebunu: what?
ethasyah: animals not have mind but YOU... you have mind and can think everything
alex nebunu: I'm not animals
ethasyah: ok.. you can think abaout that
ethasyah: you must believe god alex
ethasyah: minimal your god
alex nebunu: anyway
alex nebunu: when im will die
alex nebunu: im die coz exist microbs
alex nebunu: coz my body giveup
alex nebunu: not coz god take my life
HAADEEEHHH... (ekspresi wajah kageeetttt)
ethasyah: oh my god...
alex nebunu: what
alex nebunu: what
alex nebunu: is true
ethasyah: ok..
alex nebunu: ok
alex nebunu: sorry
alex nebunu: sorry
alex nebunu: bad subject for you
alex nebunu: bad subject for you
ethasyah: nevermind
ethasyah: can I ask again?
alex nebunu: ok
ethasyah: when you start you not believe your god?
alex nebunu: very young
alex nebunu: when im realizate what is life
alex nebunu: what is real life
alex nebunu: what is reality
alex nebunu: on 10-12 years
ethasyah: and from there you never go to cruch?
alex nebunu: im go one time every year
alex nebunu: coz tradition
alex nebunu: in the day when jisus die
ethasyah: in all your family like you too?
alex nebunu: no
ethasyah: good
ethasyah: only you...
alex nebunu: jisus
ethasyah: what jisus?
alex nebunu: is said here jisus is sun of god
ethasyah: yea.. I ever hear that
ethasyah: ok.. sometimes you will know how to believe god
alex nebunu: yea
ethasyah: now.. you sleep (ekspresi udah bener-bener capeeekkk ngomong)
alex nebunu: im goodboy
alex nebunu: but somethink i cant explain to myselft
ethasyah: whatever
alex nebunu: etha
alex nebunu: sorry
alex nebunu: is bad subject for you
ethasyah: nevermind
ethasyah: you have your way
alex nebunu: yea
alex nebunu: be morre good than me (dalam hati gw : yaa iyaa laahh... siapa juga yang mau jadi seperti lo!!!)
alex nebunu: and go sleep now
ethasyah: yea.. ok
alex nebunu: thx etha
ethasyah: welcome
ethasyah: I pray you will believe god
alex nebunu: thx
ethasyah: welcome
alex nebunu: hope him hear you and take care about you
alex nebunu: forgot what im said about my god
alex nebunu: you are very goodgirl
ethasyah: thanks
alex nebunu: nice to meet you
ethasyah: nice to meet you too,bye
alex nebunu: goodmorning
ethasyah: goodnight
alex nebunu has signed out. (1/26/2012 3:56 PM)
Hhhhmmmmm... capek banget rasanya ngomong sama nih bule. Setelah itu gw langsung beres-beres kamar dan tarik selimut daaaannnnn......... dalam pikiran gw... dalam otak gw... I'M STILL NOT BELIEVE WHY I CAN MEET LIKE THAT PERSON,hahahahaaaaaa!!!!