Senin, 03 Juni 2013

Kevin Balot, Transgender from Philipine

Kevin Balot of Philippines reacts as she wins Miss International Queen 2012 beauty pageant held on November 2, 2012 in Pattaya, Thailand.

The first Runner-Up went to Jessika Simoes of Brazil, with Imanni da Silva of Angola, Panvilas Mongkol of Thailand, Michelle Montecarlo & Miriam Jimenez from the Philippines placing Second Runners-Up.

It is also dubbed as the Miss Universe for transvestites and transgenders, whose aim is to empower transgenders, promote GLBT rights and provide a venue for showcasing their talents.

Kevin Balot of Philippines reacts as she wins Miss International Queen 2012 beauty pageant held on November 2, 2012 in Pattaya, Thailand.
Balot bested 20 other contestants from 15 countries in the annual pageant for transvestites winning the 10,000 US Dollars cash prize and an expensive crown. Balot, a nursing graduate from Far Eastern University, will receive $10,000 (Bt310,000) and other prizes and gifts.

Kevin Balot of Philippines reacts as she wins Miss International Queen 2012 beauty pageant held on November 2, 2012 in Pattaya, Thailand.

Kevin Balot of Philippines reacts as she wins Miss International Queen 2012 beauty pageant held on November 2, 2012 in Pattaya, Thailand.
She gave an impressive performance during the question and answer segment in the final round, which helped clinch the crown. 21 contestants from 15 countries dazzled at the Miss International Queen 2012 pageant held in Thailand s seaside resort Pattaya on Friday, vying for the crown in the annual competition for transvestites.

Kevin Balot of Philippines reacts as she wins Miss International Queen 2012 beauty pageant held on November 2, 2012 in Pattaya, Thailand.

Kevin Balot of Philippines reacts as she wins Miss International Queen 2012 beauty pageant held on November 2, 2012 in Pattaya, Thailand.
The final contestants were selected from more than a hundred entries from nearly 30 countries, and one contestant said the competition offered transvestites and transgenders a chance to show off their potentials.

Balot said after the pageant, “I’m very proud to be the first here, and I hope my dad will accept me. Because in the family I’m the only boy, and my dad has big expectations of me. I made it. I won the International Queen Pageant, and I believe that my dad will accept me not only as his son but also as his daughter.”
Kevin Balot of Philippines reacts as she wins Miss International Queen 2012 beauty pageant held on November 2, 2012 in Pattaya, Thailand.

Kevin Balot of Philippines reacts as she wins Miss International Queen 2012 beauty pageant held on November 2, 2012 in Pattaya, Thailand.

Kevin Balot of Philippines reacts as she wins Miss International Queen 2012 beauty pageant held on November 2, 2012 in Pattaya

Para ulama fiqih mendasarkan ketetapan hukum tersebut pada dalil-dalil yaitu: (1) firman Allah Swt dalam surat Al-Hujurat ayat 13 yang menurut kitab Tafsir Ath-Thabari mengajarkan prinsip equality (keadilan) bagi segenap manusia di hadapan Allah dan hukum yang masing-masing telah ditentukan jenis kelaminnya dan ketentuan Allah ini tidak boleh diubah dan seseorang harus menjalani hidupnya sesuai kodratnya; (2) firman Allah Swt dalam surat an-Nisa’ ayat 119. Menurut kitab-kitab tafsir seperti Tafsir Ath-Thabari, Al-Shawi, Al-Khazin (I/405), Al-Baidhawi (II/117), Zubat al-Tafsir (hal.123) dan al-Qurthubi (III/1963) disebutkan beberapa perbuatan manusia yang diharamkan karena termasuk “mengubah ciptaan Tuhan” sebagaimana dimaksud ayat di atas yaitu seperti mengebiri manusia, homoseksual, lesbian, menyambung rambut dengan sopak, pangur dan sanggul, membuat tato, mengerok bulu alis dan takhannus (seorang pria berpakaian dan bertingkah laku seperti wanita layaknya waria dan sebaliknya); (3) Hadits Nabi saw.: “Allah mengutuk para tukang tato, yang meminta ditato, yang menghilangkan alis, dan orang-orang yang memotong (pangur) giginya, yang semuanya itu untuk kecantikan dengan mengubah ciptaan Allah.” (HR. Al-Bukhari); (4) Hadits Nabi saw.: “Allah mengutuk laki-laki yang menyerupai wanita dan wanita yang menyerupai laki-laki.” (HR. Ahmad). Oleh karena itu kasus ini sebenarnya berakar dari kondisi kesehatan mental yang penanganannya bukan dengan merubah ciptaan Allah melainkan melalui pendekatan spiritual dan kejiwaan (spiritual and psychological therapy).

Life is a choice, but when we were born, God has destined us as it should ... If we change our lives that have been revealed by God, then it is not God's will but it is unfortunate in life given from God to us. disaster not only suffering, but success in a way that also includes disaster misguided.

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